
Freecoaster Hubs

Hey everyone! This is all about freecoaster. Enough with the boring intro, let’s just jump right in.

First of all, for street, there is really only one good, solid freecoaster I know of. This is the KHE Freecoaster. KHE made a freecoster, patented it, and some companies bought it so they can use their internals as well. I am talking about Alienation and Federal. Both of these companies have freecoaster, but it is, internally, the same as the KHE in every aspect, just the hub shell differs between companies. If you are looking for a freecoaster, any V2 of the Alienation or Federal will be perfect, along with the KHE astern freecoaster hub.

Next on the list is addressing their reliability. Everyone says “oh freecoasters suck so much they break all the time I replace my bearings every week because they blow out all the time omg cassettes are awesome I will never ride a freecoaster” and so on. In the past, sure, there might have been this problem. I mean almost every company had a freecoaster at one point in time if you do some research. I personally have never had major problem with my freecoasters. The only problem I have ever had is that my axle stripped, that’s no big deal, the hub was 2 years old. Yea, my freecoaster lasted me 2 years old and I only got a new one because it was so old I figured I might as well get a new one rather than buying a new axle. With this in mind, reliability should not be an issue. I never grease my freecoasters, nor have I ever blown a bearing.

Finally, freecoasters are cheating. Not really, but this is what everyone says. If you ever rode a freecoaster, you would know how hard it is to stay balanced. You can not use the back pedal to balance yourself out, and sometimes your cranks may go back some, making it so that if you pedal forward a little, it will engage and you will fall back, hard. Both cassettes and freecoasters have their pros and cons. I can ride a cassette just fine, give me a few hours and I could probably full cab/540 cab one (I got close last time I tried) so really, its just a personal choice. I mean I personally like the feel of the cassette, the almost instant engagement and it just feels more like there is a connection there, but I love riding my freecoaster so I will probably never switch back to a cassette.

I hope this helped you out and may have changed your opinion if you hate freecoaster.